Wir wissen nicht, wo KENDALL SHEMALE ist. Senden Sie uns einen Tipp auf oder benutzen Sie die Tipp Formular.

  • Größe
    20 cm
  • Alter
    25 Jahre
  • Höhe
    165 cm
  • Gewicht
    62 kg
  • Art
  • Nationalität
    Europäische Union, Venezuela
  • Sprachen
  • My cam chat
  • My OnlyFans
  • My Social media
  • Empfängt

My name is Kendall (Salome) All my pics are 100% real, verified and genuine. I am more real than you can ever imagine. Whats app available if you want to ask me more or maybe even see more, if you ask me nicely!
I'm your T-girl fantasy, one like you never had before.
Petite, sexy body, ultra feminine, all natural , and that surprise between my legs you want to taste. . .
Let me seduce you with my ocean eyes, take you on a ride to remember forever. Whatever your fantasy is, let me fulfill it. I have very little taboos and am not easily intimidated.
If it's your first time, you've come to the right place, I am the first time expert. I'm patient and will give you the time to explore your sexual curiosity, nothing is forced with me, I love to kiss tease and please, if you don't like something just say so, if you do like something, just enjoy.

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