BELLA JESS*) er i: Tokyo (東京), Japan

Ring meg på: (+886) 928034384

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*) BELLA JESS også kjent som: Kyla

  • Størrelse
    ? cm
  • Alder
    27 år
  • Høyde
    167 cm
  • Vekt
    60 kg
  • Type
  • Nasjonalitet
  • Språk
  • Social Media
  • Mottar

HI GUYS im a beautiful and sexy asian erotic independent companion of the highest quality.An intoxicating TS post-op who looks forward to entertaining the gentlemen with a sense of professionalism and sincerity. TOKYO JAPAN

I will meet with the interesting man and will not let him be bored! If you want to taste the freshness and passion of youth can realize their dream. Try something new, you will not regret! My body - solid erogenous zone. I am excited by looks and touches. Do you want to spend time with pleasure? Try the real temptation! My sultry body faint with desire and passion. Sensual, voluptuous girl will take you in a sweet captivity and help realize the innermost fantasies! Insanely charming to tremble and sexy beauty. It will be very comfortable and incredibly nice for you to spend an hour or two with me! Waiting for our meeting!
Full service with anal

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