
Wir wissen nicht, wo SalomeVip ist. Senden Sie uns einen Tipp auf oder benutzen Sie die Tipp Formular.

  • Größe
    19 cm
  • Alter
    27 Jahre
  • Höhe
    172 cm
  • Gewicht
    60 kg
  • Art
  • Nationalität
    Spanien, Europäische Union
  • Sprachen
    Englisch, spanisch, Italienisch
  • My cam chat
  • My OnlyFans
  • My Social media
  • Empfängt

As you can see I am verified 100% Real

I'm Salome, the girl of your dream come true
I receive you as in my images
vinyl boots, latex corset, stockings, sexy lingerie.

I am totally versatile. Active and passive. 19cm Dick-
To enjoy the best hot and horny sex
Boyfriend fantasy accompanied by a good massage.

Discretion and privacy is assured
to receive you in a comfortable private apartment and free parking.

Contact me, thirty minutes before ... with a whatsapp message
if I'm busy, I'll answer as soon as possible honey

I send you a cordial greeting, my heart.

.....Kisses Salome....

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