Jessike Lee

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  • Størrelse
    ? cm
  • Alder
    24 år
  • Højde
    177 cm
  • Vægt
    68 kg
  • Type
  • Nationalitet
    Rusland, Venezuela
  • Sprog
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I'm a stunning shemale just like the one you've been wanting for so long, but the wait is over I'm Jessika Lee Russian&Latin Doll conceived to make you sin.
I have a beautiful and statuesque body of 1.77 cm of hard and juicy meat, highlighted by a beautiful white and soft skin where beautiful tits protrude to play and suck,sliding through a flat abdomen of waist 10 from where you will notice an obese ass with a small but slippery hole without leaving aside the extra doll toy wrapped in veins and 20 cm of mazisa meat.
I may be able to write a thousand things about what I can with sex but if you know something about it then you understand that each event is a different Adventure.
try me and you will discover that all your lust and animal instinct was never so real!
Use me cause I'm just meat

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