Stephanie Souza

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  • Størrelse
    20x20 cm
  • Alder
    21 år
  • Højde
    173 cm
  • Vægt
    60 kg
  • Type
  • Nationalitet
    Brasilien, Spanien
  • Sprog
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  • Modtager

New in the country and new in the town close the train station
my name is Stéphanie, young brazilian shemale beauty 21 years old. Rafined, cultivated and sensual, my charm and shapes make you hot. I am very openminded with a normal personality, but with a strong caracter, very sophisticated and stylish. I never forget to appreciate the wellness and the good taste of life

I propose you a quality meeting with a lot of sensuality to make you spend a pleasantly magical moment where tenderness will turn around us. I prefer human relations and I appreciate games of seduction with men courteous, elegant, distinguished and respectful, without all vulgarity and with an irreproachable hygiene ..

I also offer my services for your outings, your leisure and your trips I would be delighted to accompany you and share with you the good pleasures of life.
I also travel in your hotel discreetly, or I receive you at home in a discreet and clean place, whether for an intimate moment, a pleasant dinner face to face, or any night with my sweetness and the Sensuality releases from my body, a weekend (on request).
Respectful, with an irreproachable education, my smile is one of my numerous attractions of seduction, but there are so many others ... You will spend an unforgettable moment in my charming company.
Im very hot jeune and beautiful trans girl im im just comming to arrive in dinamark

I can speak english, portugues, spanish, italian, french and i hop so to leard to speaker in danes i think so is a beautiful and interesting sixth language to learn but at the moment I am still fresh hahaha

For those who believe that there is no real spy, I leave this link with a video so you can see it!!!

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N: 2

Go for it! No regrets :)

John John

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