Luhana er i: Madrid, Spanien

Ring til mig på: 613586716

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WhatsApp: +34613586716
- fortæl, at du fandt annoncen på ShemaleWiki1717748946000

  • Størrelse
    15x5 cm
  • Alder
    25 år
  • Højde
    2 cm
  • Vægt
    65 kg
  • Type
  • Nationalitet
    Colombia, Peru
  • Sprog
    engelsk, spansk, fransk
  • My cam chat
  • My OnlyFans
  • My Social media
  • Modtager

Tekst findes på følgende sprog:

Instagram luhannamendoza2023 I am available for serious and solvent men I suggest you have a good time with my caresses kisses with tongue pampering my treatment is like a friend without rushing I am the same photos in person you look much better without surprises I am passing through your city you will not regret it I am very sweet, discreet, beautiful, I have the best deep throat, I suck your balls deep, I swallow your semen, I serve beginners to men of all ages without limits, I am the most beautiful with very real photos without photoschok, I am what you are looking for, the most beautiful transsexual Hello. I am a beautiful trans girl, active and passive, my Sony photos are 100% real, my treatment is tongue kisses, caresses, hugs, I am very hygienic, discreet, affectionate and accommodating, I will wait for you in heels, lingerie, I offer you a good service including more massages, information by SMS or WhatsApp, thank you Kisses to all, I am a real beast in bed, we will do everything. I am a very simple, beautiful girl with a good body. I am waiting for you. I am looking forward to meeting you.

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