Gulia er i: Helsinki, Finland

Ring til mig på: +45 55269061 eller: +45 55269061

Skriv til mig på:
WhatsApp: +45 55269061
- fortæl, at du fandt annoncen på ShemaleWiki1734583381000

  • Størrelse
    18x10 cm
  • Alder
    25 år
  • Højde
    175 cm
  • Vægt
    65 kg
  • Type
  • Nationalitet
    Brasilien, Peru
  • Sprog
  • My cam chat
  • My OnlyFans
  • My Social media
  • Modtager

Hello, my name is Gulia, a sexy trans from the Amazon region of Brazil. I will be in this city for a few days and you can contact me via WhatsApp. If you wish, you can ask me for a verification video so you can verify that my profile and photos are real.

Beautiful, sensual, exotic Amazonian goddess, jungle trans woman. From the Peruvian jungle, her charm and beauty and now here in your city for a few days. My Sensuality and my 100% fitness body. As a woman of the jungle I am very hot 🔥 I carry fire in my veins and I show it in sex. My photos and video are in my profile if you want sexual content (photos, videos, video call) ask about their prices. 💪 I do not send free xxx photos. Only write to serious and interested people to have a good time. Write to me on WhatsApp . +45 55269061

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